High Asset Divorce

High Asset Divorce Attorneys in Dallas

Helping You Protect Your Assets

Every divorce is unique and will likely present some hurdles for those involved. However, a high asset divorce is often substantially more complicated due to the complex and high-value assets that must be divided between spouses. If you are going through a high asset divorce, DebnamRust PC in Dallas has the knowledge and experience necessary to help you smoothly navigate it and ensure your interests are protected. Turn to us for the personalized attention and tailored solutions you need to obtain the best results for your case.

Contact our law office today at (214) 758-8681 to schedule a consultation with one of our high asset divorce attorneys to get started on your case.

What is a High Asset Divorce?

In this context, the term “high asset” is not referring to how much money you and your spouse have in the bank. Your split would be considered a high asset divorce if you and your spouse have marital property with a high valuation, such as investment accounts, business assets, offshore accounts, multiple homes, and other types of financial assets.

Complications in a High Asset Divorce

High-asset divorces are far more complicated than most other divorces. One of the biggest challenges in such cases is identifying assets as separate property or marital property. Generally, any asset that was owned before tying the knot will remain separate property and anything that was obtained after vows were exchanged is considered marital property. Although that sounds simple enough, property can commingle, making property division a lot trickier to handle.

Additionally, if there is a major disparity in income between spouses, spousal support will likely be ordered to bridge the gap. If there are children involved, child support may also be a substantial amount in high asset divorce cases.

It is also not uncommon for spouses to attempt to hide assets to keep them off the chopping block. It is a tactic that is easier to accomplish when there are so many complex and substantial assets involved, which is why it is essential to hire an attorney with extensive experience in handling such cases. A forensic accountant can also assist in finding hidden assets and determining if they are marital or separate property.

Lastly, high asset divorces are often more time-consuming than other, simpler divorces. Identifying and valuing assets can take time, especially if a spouse refuses to cooperate and disclose the information that is necessary for these proceedings.

Schedule a Case Evaluation with One of Our Experienced Divorce Lawyers Today!

If you are going through a high asset divorce, do not hesitate to obtain knowledgeable legal counsel to represent you. At DebnamRust PC in Dallas, our family lawyers are committed to guiding clients through every step of this process. You can rely on us to work tirelessly on your behalf to achieve the results you deserve.

Reach out to our law firm today at (214) 758-8681 to schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys.

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